On-Campus Intervention

Intent and Purpose

On Campus Intervention (OCI) is designed to be an intervention for students in response to challenging behavior, using an evidence based curriculum and staffed by a credentialed teacher.  It is recommended that any student participating in the OCI program spend time during first visit in order to orient her/himself or herself to the restorative process and fully work through the 5 stages. On Campus Intervention is neither designed nor intended for use as an on-campus suspension room in which students are simply supervised by a staff member for a specified period of time. This intervention strategy is described in education code 48900.5(b) as a “program for teaching prosocial behavior or anger management,” a “restorative justice program,” and a “positive behavior support approach with tiered interventions that occur during the school day on campus”  OCI is based on the foundational principles of Restorative Practices and seeks to restore harm by adhering to a Fair Process Model.  The guiding resources for this intervention include: Social Discipline Window, Restorative Practices Continuum, and Compass of Shame. 


The aim of the Resiliency Room is do things “with” students to increase the likelihood of seeing more prosocial behaviors and to decrease the recidivism rate for students with frequent office referrals. By utilizing a Fair Process Model, the coach works “with” students to help them reflect on their behavior and listen to their viewpoint, while still upholding a clear expectation of what a student needs to do in the future to be successful.


Targeted Population

OCI is intended for students who are not responding to other Tier I supports and interventions and/or referred by the Dean of Students or Tier II team when appropriate in lieu of suspension.  This is intended to be a “targeted” intervention in which students are selected with intention.