

What is Social Emotional Learning? 

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.


SEL advances educational equity and excellence through authentic school-family-community partnerships to establish learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, rigorous and meaningful curriculum and instruction, and ongoing evaluation. SEL can help address various forms of inequity and empower young people and adults to co-create thriving schools and contribute to safe, healthy, and just communities.

Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) work for the Department of Student Behavior & Supports and work with school site coordinators to focus on these common assurances for SEL:


  • Present Professional Development (centered around students and staff) with research based best practices in Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Practices, and Tier 1 classroom behavioral strategies/interventions.
  • Provide staff/ student support by modeling/coaching/providing feedback best practices in the classroom; provide lessons / activities in the areas of SEL.
  • Cultivate and strengthen proactive restorative practice approach with teachers during class and model / lead the continuum of restorative practices.
  • Data driven collaboration with Tier 1 teams to develop campaigns/lessons/mini-lessons/tools specific to campus/classroom culture.
  • Provide and maintain SEL Toolkit to all KHSD staff including, but not limited to, ready-to-go Canvas lessons, Daily SEL Weekly Calendars, Student Quick Guides, and Staff Self-Care.
  • Explore and investigate ways to model SEL and embed in core content when applicable.