Suicide Prevention
We know that suicide is a leading cause of death in the U.S. among 10-24 year-olds (CDC, 2019), and we want to do everything possible to support the mental wellness of our students and prevent self-harm of any kind. We are committed to the prevention and identification of youth who may be at-risk of suicide in accordance with Assembly Bill 2246. This bill mandates that districts with grades 7 to 12 have a policy in place that addresses prevention, intervention, and postvention. Thoughts of suicide are an indication that someone is struggling with depression that is a treatable medical illness, and we want to make sure all students have access to resources and caring adults who will help when times get tough.
Prevention involves teaching the importance of mental health and how to maximize protective factors, so students know what to do when struggling. Suicide prevention is everybody’s business, and anyone can help prevent the tragedy of suicide.
Risk factors include:
Previous suicide attempt
Depression, history of family depression
Drug and/or alcohol abuse
Non-suicidal self-Injury
Conduct disorder
Disruptive and unsupportive family
Relationship conflicts
Poor coping skills
Availability of lethal means
Personal Factors that put a person at higher risk include:
Schoolwork problems
Physical, sexual, or psychological abuse
Chronic illness or disability
Body image concerns
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) youth
Protective Factors Include:
An important person in a youth’s life
Good coping skills
Supportive, caring family
Interests and activities
Cultural and religious beliefs
Academic success
Willing to seek adult help
Access to mental health care
Positive school environment
How to help a student at-risk
Click the “Student Request for Intervention and Supports” link on your school’s website and report concerns
After reporting for additional supports, the following list of activities reinforces hope and resilience:
1) evoke positive feelings—muscle relaxation, meditation, watch a comedy show, focus on beautiful scenery, make art, listen to an audiobook or TED Talk, hug a loved one
2) foster hope and seek help by reaching out to a trusted adult
3) find inspiration from others—use quotes and pictures as reminders
4) create a meaning collage of things that matter
If you know of someone who is in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Or text HELLO to 741741 to get access to a crisis counselor
Or call the Kern Crisis Hotline