

GATE Information
The Kern High School District Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program services 9th and 10th grade students who have the potential for high achievement, as well as those students with demonstrated ability.  GATE classes offer a different and enhanced approach to learning, not merely more work.  The Kern High School District GATE Program is completely separate from GATE programs in other school districts. 
GATE Application Process for Incoming 9th Graders
All students are individually evaluated for eligibility.  Qualification for the GATE Program is based on STAR Renaissance Learning Reading and Mathematics Achievement Test results, GPA, and teacher evaluations.  GATE applications are mailed to the homes of 8th grade students in January.
For program consideration, GATE applications must be completed and returned to the student's junior high or middle school office by the first Friday in February.   All eligible students will be placed in the appropriate GATE classes before the beginning of the following school year.  Parents will be mailed notification of acceptance by the end of June.  
GATE Application Process for Current 9th Graders
Current 9th or 10th grade students who are not already participating in GATE may be considered for program eligibility by the GATE Facilitator at his/her high school.