Instruction Division » Student Discipline/Campus Safety » Bullying


The Kern High School District believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment and will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. At you will find information about the types of bullying, how it effects you and our community, and helpful resources for learning more about how we can maintain a safe and healthy school environment together.
Report Bullying

The first step in the complaint process for a bullying incident includes immediate contact with the Dean of Student Behavior & Supports or his/her designee. If this fails to bring about a resolution, the Assistant Principal or Principal should be notified. If the complainant student or parent/guardian of the student feels that an appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached, the student or parent/guardian of the student should contact the KHSD Office of Student Behavior and Supports. If this fails to bring about a resolution, the complainant may complete a written complaint form detailing the incident and what needs to be done to bring a resolution to the concern. This will be submitted to the School Community Liaison Officer who will direct it to the appropriate Uniform Complaint Officer for follow-up investigation under the Uniform Complaint Procedures (BP/AR 1312.3).

KHSD prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process. Please contact the Dean of Student Behavior & Supports or Site Administrator to report bullying.

Contact Information for Deans and Site Administrators