KHSD Student Behavior Support Matrix

The Kern High School District’s Student Behavior Support Matrix (“Matrix”) is a tool that is used by our school site administrators when evaluating a student conduct matter and determining the student’s disciplinary options when the student’s behavior violates the California Education Code.  The Matrix is helpful in ensuring fair and equitable student discipline outcomes across the District. The Matrix provides what options are available to administrators when deciding upon individual student discipline, based on the given facts and circumstances as evaluated by the administrator.


Responsible KHSD school administrators and site PBIS-MTSS Leadership Team members are reminded to refer to the KHSD Behavior Support Matrix when evaluating student behavior to consider the options available to respond to that behavior, including the applicable scope of intervention and disciplinary options.


The Matrix is not intended to direct a required consequence or disciplinary action, but provides guidance to administrators that aims to achieve equity through providing the range of disciplinary options available for any given student behavior issue.