Business Division » Emergency Preparedness & School Safety » Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) Program

Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) Program

Automatic Electronic Defibrillators are essential emergency medical equipment easily usable by the lay person during cardiac incidents.  When applied, they provide an electric shock to someone in a medical emergency if it detects a shockable rhythm.  They are safe to use because they do not provide the shock except in cases when it benefits the person having a medical emergency.  Instructions are provided at each AED location and recorded instructions are provided during their use.  The memo used provides basic information about sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and procedures for using an AED and is available at the link below:
California Education Code 35179.6 establishes requirements for schools and districts to provide Automatic Electronic Defibrillators for interscholastic athletics programs, swimming pools for use in the event of sudden cardiac arrest.  KHSD provides annual information to each employee about sudden cardiac arrest and locations of AEDs in school campuses and offices.  In addition, information on the locations is available to the general public by Kern County Department of Public Health Services through their use of the PulsePoint mobile app.  For more information on the PulsePoint app, visit the link below: