
Emergency Drills

Fire Code and Ed Code Requirements
California Education Code 32001 and California Fire Code 403.4 require the use of fire alarm systems to initiate a fire drill for all secondary schools twice per year.  In addition to the training provided by a fire drill, each site practices lockdown drills, evacuation drills, earthquake drills.  Active assailant training is provided at each school site using Run, Hide, Fight, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s recommended protocol.
Great California ShakeOut
Each year, Kern High School District participates in the Great California ShakeOut. School sites and district offices practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On to prepare for an emergency.  Every year, almost 10 million Californians participate statewide across all industry sectors.  For more information about this event, earthquake preparedness, and links to local earthquake and emergency response, visit the link at the Great California ShakeOut website.