Safety Plans
Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP)
California Education Code 32280-32289.5 requires schools to develop and update a Comprehensive School Safety Plan annually. These plans are developed by site teams and approved by the School Site Council and KHSD Board of Trustees. Contact the school directly to review a copy of the CSSP.
Emergency Operations Plans (EOP)
School districts are required to plan for emergencies. Kern High School District uses an Emergency Operations Plan with a “multi-hazard” approach. Our EOP is compliant with State of California requirements to use SEMS, Standardized Emergency Management System and federal requirements to use NIMS, the National Incident Management System. This approach to emergency management involves all phases of emergencies:
- Prevention/Mitigation
- Preparedness
- Response
- Recovery
The EOP is a confidential document that is shared with school administration and with first responders during an incident to assist with emergency management before, during, and after an emergency.