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Emergency Preparedness & School Safety


Benny Wofford
Benny F. Wofford, the Manager of (EPSS) is a retired Kern County Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief / Fire Marshal with 31 years of experience. Mr. Wofford is a Hazardous Materials Specialist, a registered Fire Instructor with the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and teaches the Fire Inspector I and II courses locally. Patrick Blake, a long time KHSD administrator, has also completed the Fire Inspector I series and is a Certified School Risk Manager (CSRM). They work together in shaping the many district safety protocols while seeking to improve overall safety each day.
The Office of Emergency Preparedness and School Safety (EPSS) in the Business Division provides instruction and guidance for emergency preparedness, prevention, safety and management for the Kern High School District (KHSD).  The office facilitates training for the Standard Emergency Management System / Incident Management System (SEMS / ICS) and provides oversight to the district and school sites for emergency response protocols, supplies, emergency drills, and other required functions. The KHSD Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a function of the Office of Emergency Preparedness and School Safety, which also coordinates with the Kern County Office of Emergency Services (OES), Cal OES and local first responders in the case of a large-scale emergency.  
The Office of Emergency Preparedness and School Safety, in the Business Division, is dedicated to assuring that all District staff and students are prepared to respond to any emergency, threat or hazard in a reasonable and responsible way. It helps to provide the oversight, guidance and instruction for several district functions including emergency preparedness, prevention, management, response, and recovery efforts for the Kern High School District (KHSD). Its mission is to ensure that the highest level of safety during an incident is achieved.