School Support Services
Stan Greene is the Director of School Support Services for the Kern High School District. He has held this position since July of 2010. Stan grew up in Visalia, California having played high school athletics for Redwood High School. Mr. Greene moved to Bakersfield to pursue his passion of playing football. He was the quarterback of the 1988 Bakersfield Junior College National Championship team that went 11-0. After playing at BC he transferred to Boston University and continued playing for the Terriers. Stan returned to Bakersfield and began teaching at Actis Junior High where he taught math and was the 8th grade girls basketball coach. Over the course of four years his girls basketball teams won two Kern County Championships. Mr. Greene also coached football at South High School where the Rebels went to a Valley Championship. Stan spent time coaching at South High School, West High School and Bakersfield High School prior to moving into administration. After coaching Stan went into administration in 2001 as the Dean of Student Discipline at Bakersfield High School. Known as Dean Greene he served in that capacity for six years before becoming the Assistant Principal of Instruction at BHS. Stan was the Assistant Principal of Instruction for three years and ultimately became the Director of School Support Services for the Kern High School District. This job is commonly referred to as the Kern High School District Athletic Director. Stan Greene has made this job so much more than that. During his first year in this position he created the Kern High School District Promoting Excellence in Athletics and Activities in Kern awards; known as the PEAAK Awards. The PEAAK Awards held its first red carpet event in May of 2011 and that has continued to this day. The PEAAK Award recognizes everything from athletics, to drama performances, best actor/actress to best community supporter. Stan also began running the Kern High School District All Star volleyball games and KHSD All Star Basketball games each year beginning in the 2014/2015 school year. These events provide the seniors with one more opportunity to shine in front of their community. In 2016 Stan created the Kern High Network to live stream Kern High School District events. The Kern High Network has become a staple of KHSD Athletics and Activities provided professional live streams of district events.
As the Director overseeing all KHSD Athletics, Stan has spent a lot of time with student athlete safety. Specifically related to concussions Mr. Greene partnered with the Center for Neuro Skills and formed the Kern County Concussion Consortium. This group has been instrumental in training local coaches proper and safer Return To Play procedures. Stan has also spend considerable time making sure the KHSD Cheer coaches were properly trained to ensure the safety of our student athletes. In the 2017/2018 Stan Greene launched the first ever Kern High School District Achieve magazine featuring the amazing students of the Kern High School District. The magazine comes out three times per year and is an award winning production generated entirely from the office of School Support Services. #KHSDAchieve Mission Statement “The office of School Support Services provides guidance, support and oversight for all Kern High School District programs related to athletics, activities, and transfers. We promote, recognize, and support the ongoing efforts and achievements of our students and staff. Our supportive, friendly, and knowledgeable team provides high-quality and reliable service for students, families, faculty, and the community. Our goal is to highlight the value that the Kern High School District provides every student through essential extra-curricular programs to help them become well-rounded individuals.” |

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