Instruction Division » School Support Services » Heat and AQI Resources

Heat and AQI Resources

     (CIF link to WBGT)
     (CIF link to AQI)
Effective July 1, 2024 the California Interscholastic Federation implemented polices related to temperature and Air Quality.
WetBulb Globe Temperature guidelines for all outdoor athletics and activities.  
WBGT less than 87.1
     No restrictions.   
WBGT greater than 87.1 degrees:   Orange
     Maximum outdoor practice time is 2 hours. Provide at least four separate rest breaks each hour with a minimum duration of 4 minutes each. For Football: players are restricted to helmet, shoulder pads, and shorts during practice.
WBGT greater than 90.1     Red
     Contests are permitted with additional hydration breaks. Maximum outdoor practice time is 1 hour.  There must be 20 minutes of rest breaks distributed throughout the hour of practice.
     For Football:  No protective equipment may be worn during practice and there may be no conditioning activities. 
WBGT greater than 92.1     Black
     No outdoor workouts/contests. Delay practice/competitions until a cooler WBGT is reached.
Air Quality Guidelines
AQI greater than 100 
    Member schools should consider shortening or cancelling outdoor athletic events (practices or competition) in accordance with AQI recommendations. Exposure to air should be managed more carefully for students with pre-existing lung or heart conditions. When the AQI rises above 100 schools should consider removing such athletes at risk from practice or competition.
AQI greater than 150
    At AQI values above 150 serious consideration should be given to rescheduling the activity or moving it indoors if possible. Prolonged exposure and heavy exertion should be avoided.