

Thank you for your interest in substitute employment with the Kern High School District. With over 3000 employees, our district is always looking for motivated, knowledgeable substitutes who can “take over the reins” without hesitation.

We accept applications year-round, but hire on an as-needed basis to ensure that our current substitutes have enough work. 

Our application is located at the link provided when we are accepting applications. Complete Substitute Application


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Kern High School District Substitute.  Use the links below to find information about working as a substitute for the Kern High School District.


Certificated Substitute Information

Classified Substitute Information



Bus Drivers, and Custodians (Only)
Those interested in working as a substitute in any of these positions are encouraged to apply directly to appropriate departments:
KHSD Maintenance and Operations Office & Transportation Office
3701 East Belle Terrace Bakersfield, CA 93307
  • KHSD Maintenance & Operations: (Suite A)
  • KHSD Transportation: (Suite C)