

Welcome to Naviance!! This is a college and career readiness program that we are implementing at all of our comprehensive sites, five continuation schools, and our Workforce Academy 2000. The program is designed to help with future planning by providing resources that help students explore unique strengths, personality style, and career interests. Students log into Naviance to do the following:
  • Research careers using seven different career assessment tools which will help students understand learning styles, the Holland Code, the multiple intelligence profile, career clusters, and much more. Interests, majors, and colleges that offer those majors will all be linked to help make decisions about college and career.
  • Research colleges using the SuperMatch college search tool and learn more about the myriad different colleges and universities and the entrance requirements and majors offered. 
  • Search for both local and national scholarship opportunities.
  • Create plans for the future by completing goals and to-do lists
Students can now log in using Clever!!! Go to the Clever portal 
Log in with your Clever username and password:
Password khsd
Find the Naviance icon and click that
The school links are as follows:
The Continuation High School Links are listed below:
Central Valley High School
Workforce Academy 2000