A-G College Entrance Requirements

Admission guidelines are designed to ensure students are well-prepared to succeed at the four-year university.

If you're interested in entering a four-year university as a freshman, you'll have to satisfy these requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of 15 college-preparatory courses (a-g courses), with at least 11 finished prior to the beginning of your senior year.

    The 15 courses are:

    a. History/social science

    2 years

    b. English

    4 years

    c. Mathematics

    3 years (4 Recommended)

    d. Laboratory science

    2 years (3 Recommended)

    e. Language other than English

    2 years* (3 Recommended)

    f. Visual and performing arts

    1 year

    g. College-preparatory elective
    (chosen from the subjects listed above or another course approved by the university)

    1 year

  2. Earn a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher in these courses with no grade lower than a C. 

  3. Taking the ACT or SAT is optional for the CSU and UC Schools. Please check requirements for the private universities and military academies.