Innovative Programs
The Kern High School District's Innovative Programs Department is the instructional arm for technology and works closely with Information Technology (IT) on educational technology, professional development, and support for district technologies. In addition, categorical programs, grants and other funding sources are also managed through the Innovative Programs department and the department helps support sites utilizing categorical funds. Compliance with state and federal programs is coordinated through the department and also support of many programs tied to categorical funding.
The District has recently made great strides in many areas including Technology. A full infrastructure upgrade has been recently completed, which now provides all sites with robust wireless access. The district has approximately 20,000 wireless devices that are in use and the network can also support students bringing their own devices to use for instructional purposes. Innovative Programs continues to provide professional development around instructional technology and support site needs for technology. Teachers and students utilize a variety of software applications to support Instruction and engage students. Teacher and student feedback is constantly used to adjust and improve the dynamic technology plan which can be accessed through the link on this page.
The newest development in the upgrade of district technology includes the addition of wifi access for students on many buses. This allows for students who have longer bus rides to other programs to be able to work online during their commute. These buses are also utilized for athletics and activities to allow students to be productive when they are traveling for school events.
As technology continues to evolve the district continues to innovate and utilize new technologies in all programs to improve Instruction. Devices including laptops, iPads, and chromebooks as well as peripherals like the latest document cameras are all now commonplace on our sites and we continue to pilot and utilize emerging technologies like google cardboard for virtual field trips. Our software offerings continue to improve and expand including parent access to the portal for student grades and attendance and the ability for teachers to do electronic testing through devices. The district has invested in students utilizing technology to ensure they have the tools the need to be successful.