Educational Services and Innovative Programs Division » Foster Youth » Foster Youth

Foster Youth

AB 490
AB 490 (2003) created new rights and duties related to the education of dependents and wards in foster care.  Some of these rights and duties have been expanded by later laws, including AB 81 (2009); AB 12, AB 1933, and SB 1353 (2010); AB 709 and SB 578 (2011); AB 1573, SB 121, SB 1088, and SB 1568 (2012); AB 643 (2013); the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-351); and the federal Uninterrupted Scholars Act (Public Law 112-278).  Many of the obligations placed on local educational agencies by these laws also apply to charter schools participating in a special education local plan area. EC Sec 48859 (c).  
Foster Youth Services
Each high school in the Kern High School District has at least one designated Foster Youth Counselor or Social Worker who works with the district foster youth liaison to help meet the needs of these students.
Youth Empowering Success (YES!) is an organization created to mentor and empower foster youth.  Meetings are facilitated by a foster youth counselor or school social worker, with community partners providing support.  There are currently six comprehensive sites and five continuation sites offering YES! to foster youth.  Students meet regularly, hear from guest speakers on topics relating to foster youth, participate in educational field trips, and are offered advocacy opportunities.
Students may participate in YES! at the following high schools:
  • Bakersfield
  • Independence
  • Liberty
  • North
  • South
  • West
  • Central Valley
  • Nueva
  • Tierra Del Sol
  • Vista
  • Vista West
For more information, please contact the Foster Youth Liaison, Michelle Blalock at 661-827-3419. 
KHSD Board Meeting - June 25, 2018 - Foster and Homeless Youth Update