Instruction Division » Student Discipline Policies » Additional Information

Additional Information

You have a right to review school rules regarding student discipline. If you wish to do so, please contact the school office. [E.C. 35291, 48980]

Victims of violent crimes, while in or on school grounds, will have the option of an intra-district transfer. Incidents will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine whether a student is the victim of a violent offense as provided for in the California Penal Code.

KHSD believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health or safety hazard, or a distraction which interferes with the educational process. Clothing and personal adornment styles change frequently and any “dress code” which explicitly defines acceptable school wear quickly becomes outdated. Therefore, KHSD school administrators have utilized the following general guidelines to make case by case judgments regarding appropriateness of school attire. You may request a copy of your site’s dress code by contacting the school.

Prohibited items include disruptive clothing, inappropriate slogans or illustrations, revealing attire, dangerous or unsafe apparel, and gang related articles.

Any attire or adornment which creates a safety hazard for the wearer or others is prohibited. Included within these criteria is the expectation that all students will wear shoes.

Specific learning activities in shops, labs, on-the-job training in business/industry, or co-curricular activities may have additional clothing and appearance regulations.

In partnership with the Kern County Probation Department, KHSD may use specially trained canines to detect the presence of illicit drugs. Students should have only a minimal expectation of privacy in their vehicles while parked on school grounds. All student-operated vehicles may be subjected to examination by a detection dog at any time. Also, a locker will be accessed and searched if there is any reason to suspect that it may contain drugs, alcohol, a weapon or other contraband. (Personal or private property on school grounds, adjacent to the school, or while under the authority of school personnel, is subject to search and seizure by school officials.) [E.C. 49331, 49050; H.& S.C. 11364.7, 11471]

Participation and/or attendance at extra-curricular activities are considered a part of the educational program for students. Participants carry extra responsibilities as representatives of their schools. Student conduct rules also apply to extra-curricular activities. Penalties in most cases will require some loss of participation privileges. Disciplinary action procedures outlined in the adopted code will be followed by the member schools in order that each case might be evaluated individually as prescribed by the Board of Trustees. A summary of the Athletic and Activity Control Code with a more detailed explanation of the rules and regulations is included in this document. A complete draft is available at your school site.

Students have the right to exercise free expression; however, student expression, assemblage and/or publication distribution shall not materially disrupt class work, involve substantial disorder, or invade the rights of others. The Board of Trustees has adopted regulations establishing the time, place and manner for these activities as related to class schedules and physical campus arrangements in each school.

The certificated staff of the schools and KHSD shall enforce all school regulations as prescribed by law and Board regulations. The administration of each school shall enforce the Board adopted regulations to maintain proper conditions for the safety, health and physical well-being of all persons on campus and elsewhere while engaged in school-sponsored activities.

Suspension of students will be ordered by the principal or principal’s designee after the appropriate notice and informal conference have been given students. Expulsions may be ordered by the Board of Trustees when charges are substantiated after a proper hearing.

Should the student be expelled by the Board of Trustees, the action may be appealed by the student or parent to the County Board of Education.

The KHSD police force provides armed, POST-certified police officers at all comprehensive school sites. Also on campus are anywhere from two to seven adult security team members. As such, only the Bakersfield Police Department and Kern County Sheriff’s Office constitute larger police agencies in Kern County.

In our form of government the judicial system interprets the law and its applications and orders compliance with its interpretations. Judicial decisions have constantly supported the authority of the State and of school officials to prescribe and control conduct in the schools. This has been extended from control of students while on the school grounds to also maintaining order at other events, such as athletic contests. Courts have recognized students’ legitimate right to a public education which is protected by the Due Process Clause of the Constitution of the United States. This right cannot be taken away for misconduct without adherence to the minimum procedures required by that clause.

The role of the parent continues to be of primary importance in the education and control of the student. Parents are encouraged to help their youngsters by stressing the importance of a sound education and by forming a cooperative partnership with the schools to help guide and influence the education of the youngsters.