Publishing & Email Policy

Kern High School District Staff Web Publishing & E-Mail Policy

1. The Kern High School District web server is not a public forum. Posting permissions and posted content is maintained at the discretion of District and site administration.

2. Staff posting to the District web server will abide by the Kern High School District Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy for Staff. Staff will not:
  1. use the District web site for personal financial gain
  2. use the District web site for any fund raising without prior written administrative approval
  3. use the District web site for political advertising or issue advocacy
  4. use the District web site for transmitting or requesting & receiving materials inconsistent with the mission and values of the Kern High School District
  5. use the District web site for attempts to breach network security or transmit viruses
  6. post copyrighted images, text, sound files, or software to the District web server without filing with site administration written permission from the holder of the copyright
  7. post any material, text or image, allowing the identification of any individual student without prior written approval by site administration or their designee that the proposed posting meets Board criteria for parental approval of posting student information
  8. post any student addresses or telephone numbers at anytime
Note: Student personal e-mail addresses (HotMail, AOL, YahooMail, etc.) should not be used on District web sites. The District does not provide personal use e-mail addresses to students, but where students have contact responsibilities, appropriate e-mail addresses with joint student/staff access will be created. A fictitious example would be [email protected] where this account would be accessible to the student and staff advisor for use specific to the school project needing service. This facilitates tracing harassing or inappropriate e-mail directed to the school.

3. Staff with web publishing permission will post language and materials appropriate for Kern High School District communications.

4. The Kern High School District web server is not a forum for student expression. Staff, in accordance with administrative guidelines established at each site, will take responsibility for posting any student-generated material to the District server.

5. Staff will not link to non-district sites that are framed or formatted in such a way as to appear to be part of the District site.

6. All sites linked directly to the Kern High School District Web Site will be consistent with the standards of the Kern High School District and will support and be consistent with the educational mission of the District. Staff will not link to personal home pages, will not use the District site for personal web pages, and will not use the District site for links that exist only to illustrate personal interests.

7. No “guest books” or response forms which allow immediate, unmediated posting by the public will be hosted on the Kern High School District web site or linked to from that site.

8. Staff may not post any material to a non-Kern High School District web site that uses District logos/mascots without prior written permission from school site and IST administration.

9. Staff may not post any material that exists as a product of their employment with Kern High School District at any non-Kern High School District site unless that material is also posted on a Kern High School District site and meets all the criteria above.

10. Kern High School District staff will use Kern High School District e-mail addresses to conduct Kern High School District business. Staff shall not distribute their personal, non-Kern High School District e-mail addresses to parents, students, or others for contact related to their Kern High School District responsibilities.