
Testing Information

Welcome to KHSD Testing Information
  • PSAT/ SAT - With the return to campus, College Board testing is allowed at all KHSD sites pending students safety according to each sites' safety plan. Students will need to register through the College Board website.  
  • ACT - With the return to campus, ACT testing is allowed at all KHSD sites pending students safety according to each sites' safety plan. Students will need to register through the ACT website
The Kern High School District is dedicated to helping our students achieve their academic goals. KHSD created this portal to provide students and families with the important testing information they need for qualifications, placement, and testing schedules. If you have any further questions, please contact the District office at (661) 827-3100.
WELNET- Single-Sign on (for Staff Only)
ACT Logo ASVAB Logo SAT Logo
GED Logo EAP Logo SAT 2 Logo