Early Assessment Program
The goal of the EAP program is to have California high school graduates enter the CSU fully prepared to begin college-level study
The goal of the EAP program is to have California high school graduates enter the CSU fully prepared to begin college-level study
About the Assessment
The California State University (CSU), which draws its students from the top third of California’s high school graduates, has long accommodated large numbers of incoming students who need remedial education in English and mathematics. While having well over half of incoming students requiring additional preparation is a common occurrence in all states, the CSU and public school leadership believe that an early intervention strategy will help increase the college readiness of high school students.
The CSU has worked with the State Board of Education (SBE) and the California Department of Education (CDE) to develop the Early Assessment Program (EAP). EAP incorporates the CSU’s placement standards into existing high school standards tests in English and mathematics.
The benefits of EAP are many:
- Aligning school and CSU standards so that success in school means readiness for the CSU.
- Giving more meaning and force to the California Standards Tests (CSTs).
- Giving high school students an early signal about their college readiness and adequate time to prepare before entering CSU.
- Making the senior year a time for more direct and specific preparation for college.
- Exempting CSU-ready students from taking CSU placement tests or the SAT or the ACT, thereby reducing testing time for the students.
For further information visit the following web page:
updated Aug. 2019