Instruction Division » Nursing/Health Services » Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services

All Kern High School District (KHSD) school sites have access to School Psychologists, School Social Workers, School Guidance Counselors, and School Mental Health Clinicians.  These mental health professionals and counselors, work with students, families, staff, and interagency partners to assess and support mental health challenges on campus, and work to address possible barriers to student learning.  Services may include individual counseling, family counseling, group counseling/skills groups, suicide prevention/intervention services, crisis intervention services, case management/progress monitoring, school social work services, and/or referral to community partners.


Parents/guardians may contact their student’s school site directly (can start with your son/daughter's counselor at the school) for an overview of the services provided and to receive more information about the specific type of mental health services and supports provided, how to access these services, or to receive more information about referrals to community agencies and resources, when applicable.  Mental health services in schools include a broad range of services, settings, and strategies. Mental health services that are provided in schools may include academic counseling, brief interventions to address behavior problems, assessments and referrals to other systems. Providing mental health services in a school based setting helps address barriers to learning and provide supports so that all students can achieve in school and ultimately in life. Schools are also places where prevention and early intervention activities can occur in a non-stigmatizing environment.


You may also directly contact Stephen Granucci, Director of Student Behavior & Supports or Jennifer Anderson, Director of Special Education Services at (661) 827-3100





Kern Behavioral Health & Recovery Services

Access:  661-868-8080

Local Crisis Hotline:  1-800-991-5272


Kern County Department of Human Services - Community Resources


National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)


California Department of Education, Mental Health




National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:   1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Hotline:  Text HOME to 741741

Local Crisis Hotline:  868-8000 or 800-991-5272