
Student Behavior and Supports

Student Behavior & Supports includes many varied aspects of “whole student” work that provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment for our students and staff.  


The scope of work is a COLLECTIVE COMMITMENT and we think that all students can learn and all educators want to make a difference. This Department will work to relentlessly enhance and support student services on each campus, which will include a comprehensive, multifaceted, and integrated continuum of school-community interventions for students in KHSD. We will work with school sites and community partners to coordinate services and align existing support structures whenever applicable. Included in these focus areas are as follows: 


  • Student Discipline and Campus Safety 
  • Deans of Students 
  • Student Records/Custodian of Records 
  • Nursing & Health Services 
  • School Social Work 
  • Intervention & Supports 
  • Behavior Intervention and Substance Abuse 
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) 
  • Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports (PBIS) 
  • School-Community Partnerships 
  • Restorative Practices 
  • Social Emotional Learning & Mindfulness 
  • Interagency Facilitation/Partnerships 



Some key tenets to our work for Student Behavior & Supports: 


  • Our focus will remain central to student supports and discipline, "whole student efforts" for support outside the classroom, campus safety, related work to implement PBIS evidence-based tenets, tiered interventions, and intent to create more restorative spaces on campus when possible, within a preventative and proactive framework for student support structures 
  • Leading Safe Schools is about respect, responsibility, conflict resolution whenever possible, showing compassion and empathy, student/staff voice, and demonstrating honesty with students, families, and community partners. These focus areas will help create healthy school environments and promote healthy relationships/experiences  
  • There is a  “collective commitment” to coordinate services and align systems and professional development (eliminate barriers to learning and break down silos when possible)
  • Use data to guide decisions and monitor significant disproportionate patterns/trends (academic and behavior) on campus 



WE believe in the “BIG IDEAS” of a Professional Learning Community: 


  1. WE accept learning as the fundamental purpose of our school and therefore are willing to examine all practices in light of their impact on learning 
  2. WE are committed to working together to achieve our collective purpose. We cultivate a collaborative culture through development of high-performing teams 
  3. WE assess our effectiveness on the basis of results rather than only intentions. Individuals, teams, and schools seek relevant data and information and use that data/information to promote ongoing and continuous improvement 

CONTACT:  Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Student Behavior & Supports Department at (661) 827-3116 or email a staff member on the “Contact Us” link to the right