JROTC Program Thrives in Arvin

The pride Arvin High School (AHS) students feel in their Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) program is awe inspiring and well deserved.  It is the largest program of its kind in the KHSD, celebrating a 100% graduation rate and a 0% dropout rate.  

In another huge accomplishment, the school just announced its first West Point nominee.  Congressman David Valadao named AnnMarie Narvaez, Second Lieutenant, to the elite group.  Narvaez is looking forward to a future in the Federal Bureau of Investigations and credits the JROTC program for establishing her skills as a leader and finding ways to be successful in everything she does.  The relationships she has developed also inspire her. 

“Without this program, I would not be the person I am today or have the goals I have today.” - AnnMarie Narvaez, Second Lieutenant, AHS JROTC

Cadets pack their time with a dedication to both instruction and service.  They clean the quad after nutrition breaks, share current events to educate and engage, perform uniform inspections, and practice marching drills and physical training.  They also study, mentor,   and organize community outreach events.  

The JROTC program at AHS also recently presented the Colors on a national scale at the Raiders game on December 24, 2016.

Many cadets say they are most proud of their increased communication skills, leadership development, and a determination to be better and make their communities better.  This encouraging attitude comes from the top since these students are under the direction of instructor John Lundsford, Retired First Sergeant and Gary Ortega, Retired Sergeant Major.  With fifty years of combined service in the United States Army, each served 2 tours of duty in Iraq in the same unit.

“We are proud of this successful program and it is very rewarding to see our students reach their goals.  We try to instill in them that whatever you do, give it your all.” - John Lundsford, AHS JROTC Advisor Retired First Sergeant, U.S. Army

The legacy of this program is evident as three former AHS students are currently enrolled at California State University, Fresno, on JROTC scholarships.