
Lessons for a Lifetime

Special “science teachers” spent the day with second through eighth graders who attend Lakeside School. These  "teachers" are members of Independence High’s Energy & Utilities Career Academy.


Students use fun, ‘hands on’ lessons and activities to engage the young people about the world of science and energy. In one classroom, an IHS student explained how petroleum is formed by comparing it to s’mores!    


     “Students taught lessons they created that focus on wind, solar, hydropower, hydrogen fuel cell, or the science of energy. The activities that Academy students coordinate will engage their ‘pupils’ on various renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and the overlying concepts of energy.” - Aaron Jacobson, Energy & Utilities Academy Coordinator, IHS.


Academy students developed the lessons with guidance from mentors of local businesses and their teachers. The lessons continue the collaboration between Independence High and Lakeside, thanks to the generous support from PG&E’s Better Together Program.


This classroom instruction is part of a community service project expected to get young students excited about science and math fields and teach the high school students the importance of community involvement.