Instruction Division » New Teacher Support » Kern High Induction Program - KHIP

Kern High Induction Program - KHIP

Kern High Induction Program (KHIP)

Kern High Induction Program (KHIP) is a two-year, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning that begins in the teacher’s first year of teaching on a preliminary credential.  KHIP also offers the Early Completion Option (ECO) to experienced and exceptional teachers.  Mentoring is highly individualized, based on each candidate’s assessed strengths and growth areas, with a focus at all times on candidate growth and increased student achievement.
Enrollment in KHIP takes place during the KHIP Orientation. To enroll, the candidate must:
  • be employed by the KHSD as teacher of record,
  • hold a valid, California preliminary single subject or education specialist credential, and
  • be teaching at least one period with students assigned, during the regular school year and during the regular school day, in the content area specified on the preliminary credential for the duration of induction.
Within the first thirty days of school, New Teacher Support staff invites all KHIP candidates and their mentors to an orientation where candidates enroll in KHIP and begin the ILP process.
The ILP is designed and implemented solely for the professional growth and development of the candidate and not for evaluation for employment purposes with the KHSD.  
Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Within the first sixty days of enrollment in KHIP, candidates collaborate with their mentors and begin to design and implement ILPs, which address the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and provide a road map for candidates’ Induction work during their time in the program.  The ILP includes the candidate’s job assignment and specifies:
  • professional growth goals 
  • a description of how the candidate will work to meet those goals
  • professional learning and support opportunities
  • defined and measurable outcomes for the candidate
  • planned opportunities to reflect on progress 
Through the inquiry process, mentors will support each candidate's consistent practice of reflection on the effectiveness of instruction, analysis of student and other outcomes data, and the use of these data to further inform the repeated cycle of planning and instruction.
Each site hosts an annual ILP Site Meeting during which the site administrator provides the school's site goals, site-specific resources to support new teachers, and input on the candidates' professional growth goals.  Candidates share their areas of focus for the school year.  
New Teacher Support will assist the candidate and the mentor in meeting ILP goals by:
  • providing feedback within the first sixty days of enrollment to modify the ILP as needed to reflect the candidate's professional growth goal within the context of the candidate's specific teaching assignment 
  • assuring the availability of resources necessary to accomplish the ILP
  • ensuring time for regular mentor and candidate interactions
  • offering opportunities to observe veteran teachers
Current Program Requirements/Calendars for 2023-24
Appeals Process
In the event a candidate disagrees with the program determination of whether they have completed induction and are ready to be recommended by the district for their clear credential, they may file a written appeal to The Joint Committee via email to [email protected]. The Joint Committee will hear and decide the appeal at its next regularly scheduled monthly meeting.