
Tier III/Wrap Services

The Kern High School District Tier III/Wrap team is composed of two Licensed Clinical School Social Workers and an Interventionist. They work collaboratively with school sites to provide additional support for specific, intensive student needs for students that are receiving Tier III services. They use a team-based, facilitated process where the team gathers around a student and family/guardians to develop, implement and continually refine a plan until it achieves its intended outcomes.  These specific plans are created and guided by the family and youth voice to create actions and strategies that reflect the unique student and family strengths and needs. A Tier III/Wrap team plan for a student addresses outcomes across home, school and community.

What type of student receives Tier III wraparound services?

Any student, who has progressed through Tiers I‐III supports with no improvement.  The student may be experiencing difficulty at school or home resulting in their inability to learn/achieve.  This student may need a more intensive intervention to be successful. They may benefit from preventive, strengths‐based efforts of a wraparound team to support them while they overcome obstacles to academic achievement.


Some possible characteristics of a student needing Tier III/Wrap services?

  • Students with multiple needs across home, school and community
  • Students with multiple life domain needs
  • Students at risk of a placement change
  • Students with behaviors that don’t seem to change despite previous school site efforts in Tier 1, Tier 2, SST and Tier 3

Who is involved in the KHSD Tier III Focus/Wrap Team Plan?

Student, Wraparound Team Facilitator, Support Team consisting of professionals & natural supports (each support team is identified by each participating student/family/guardian).