Superintendent & Board of Trustees » Police Department » KHSD Police Department

KHSD Police Department

Greetings from the Kern High School District Police Department! We are here to serve and assist you. Each of our nineteen comprehensive campuses is assigned a full time Police Officer. Additional officers serve as rovers, truancy officers and supervisors. The primary mission of our Police Officers is to ensure the safety of our students and staff.

Our officers are POST certified peace officers as defined in California Penal Code 830.32, all of whom have several years of experience working at either a county Sheriff’s Department or municipal Police Department prior to their employment with the Kern High School District. In addition to the standard training provided to all Peace Officers in the State of California, our Officers receive supplemental training to prepare them to work within the educational environment. Our Officers are an important part of a dedicated team and work closely with the campus Dean, Campus Security, Counselors, and Teachers.

We want the educational experience of every student to be a positive one. We realize that the challenges and difficulties faced by teens can be trying and complex. If you become aware of a problem developing between students, please bring it to our attention so that it can be resolved before it becomes a bigger problem. Please consider our Department as a resource that can help with issues you may feel are beyond your control. We need your input and communication to better address the needs of our students.

I encourage you to contact us if we can be of service to you.


KHSD Police Department Personnel Complaint Form