BP 6184 Continuation Education

Kern Union HSD
Board Policy
Continuation Education

BP 6184

The Board of Trustees shall provide a continuation education program as an option for students, including but not limited to, at-risk students who may need a flexible educational environment. The continuation education program shall be designed to meet the educational needs of each student, provide an opportunity for participating students to complete the required course of instruction necessary to graduate from high school, emphasize occupational orientation or a work study schedule, and offer intensive guidance services.

(cf. 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements)
(cf. 6146.11 - Alternative Credits Toward Graduation)
(cf. 6164.2 - Guidance/Counseling Services)
(cf. 6178 - Career Technical Education)
(cf. 6178.1 - Work-Based Learning)

The continuation education program shall be aligned with the goals identified in the district's local control and accountability plan, designed and implemented in collaboration with other high schools within the district, and coordinated with other educational options available to district students.

(cf. 0420.4 - Charter School Authorization)
(cf. 0460 - Local Control and Accountability Plan)
(cf. 6158 - Independent Study)
(cf. 6172 - Gifted and Talented Student Program)
(cf. 6181 - Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice)
(cf. 6183 - Home and Hospital Instruction)
(cf. 6185 - Community Day School)
(cf. 6200 - Adult Education)

The Superintendent or designee shall appoint a director of continuation education who shall be responsible for the organization and administration of the district's continuation education program and guidance, placement, and follow-up services for participating students. (5 CCR 11000, 11003)

The continuation high school shall be conducted for not less than 175 days during a school year. The Board may maintain continuation classes during the district's regular school hours, during special school hours for these classes established by the Board, or during such hours and for such length of time during the day or evening that adult education classes are maintained. (Education Code 48434; 5 CCR 11004)

(cf. 6111 - School Calendar)
(cf. 6112 - School Day)

Students eligible for continuation education classes shall be age 16 or 17 years at the time of their enrollment and shall not have graduated from high school. (Education Code 48400, 48413) The Superintendent may allow the voluntary enrollment of students under 16 in this program, on a case by case basis.

A student may be involuntarily transferred into a continuation education program in accordance with law and administrative regulation. (Education Code 48432.5)

With the consent of the Superintendent or designee, a student may voluntarily enroll in continuation classes in order to receive special attention such as individualized instruction. (Education Code 48432, 48432.3, 48432.5)

Priority for voluntary enrollment in continuation classes shall be given to students who need credit recovery in order to graduate with their peers and to students who, due to employment, pregnancy, parenting responsibilities, or other circumstances, are unable to attend a comprehensive high school. A student with a disability shall be admitted only if his/her individualized education program specifically states that a continuation high school setting meets his/her needs.

(cf. 5146 - Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students)
(cf. 5147 - Dropout Prevention)
(cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program)

Enrollment criteria shall be applied consistently throughout the district. (Education Code 48432.3)

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

Students may be enrolled in a regional occupational center or program within the county in lieu of, or in combination with, continuation education. (Education Code 48432)

(cf. 6178.2 - Regional Occupational Center/Program)

Students otherwise subject to compulsory attendance in continuation education classes may be exempted if they meet any of the conditions specified in Education Code 48410 and AR 5112.1 - Exemptions from Attendance.

(cf. 5112.1 - Exemptions from Attendance)

The Superintendent or designee shall regularly evaluate the effectiveness of district continuation education programs and report these evaluation results to the Board. Indicators may include, but are not limited to, disaggregated data on student enrollment, student assessment results, and graduation rates.

(cf. 0500 - Accountability)
(cf. 6162.5 - Student Assessment)
(cf. 6162.51 - State Academic Achievement Tests)
(cf. 6162.52 - High School Exit Examination)
(cf. 6190 - Evaluation of the Instructional Program)

Legal Reference:
46170 Minimum school day for continuation schools and classes
48400-48454 Compulsory continuation education, especially:
48400 Weekly minimum attendance requirement
48402 Minors not regularly employed
48410-48416 Compulsory continuation education
48430-48438 Continuation classes
48450-48454 Violation
48900 Grounds for suspension and expulsion
48900.5 Student discipline
48903 Limitations on days of suspension
51224-51225.3 Courses of study
60850-60856 High school exit examination
7000-7002 Emancipation of minors law
7050 Purposes for which emancipated minor considered an adult
11000-11010 Continuation education
Nathan G. v. Clovis Unified School District (2014) Cal.App.5th (No. F065485)

Management Resources:
Raising the Bar, Building Capacity: Driving Improvement in California's Continuation High Schools, May 2012
Intake Processes at Continuation High Schools: Shaping School Climate Through Selection and Enrollment Strategies, February 2011
California Continuation Education Association: http://www.cceanet.org
California Department of Education: http:// www.cde.ca.gov
John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, Stanford School of Education: http://jgc.stanford.edu

adopted: November 2, 2009 Bakersfield, California
revised: April 4, 2016